Integrative Dry Needling: an advanced approach to treating pain
Integrative Dry Needling
How does it work?
Integrative dry needling is not acupuncture (traditional Chinese medicine), it is based on neuroanatomy and modem scientific study of the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems. A very fine filament needle is inserted through the skin and into the deeper tissues that are considered trigger points to your pain. Dry needling works by causing a micro lesion within the pathological tissue thus breaking up shortened tissues, inhibiting a reflex arc from the nervous system to the tissue, normalizing the inflammatory response, and centrally mediating the pain. This mechanical and neuromuscular effect provides an environment that enhances the body's ability to heal which ultimately reduces pain.
Conditions that can be treated with dry needling include, but are not limited to the following:
neck pain
back pain
rotator cuff pathology
knee pain
tennis/golfer’s elbow
jaw pain
muscle strains
cervical and lumbar disc pathology
hip pain
carpal tunnel
ankle sprains
plantar fasciitis
IT band syndrome
athletic performance enhancement
headaches (including migraines and sinus headaches)
and many more
Is Dry Needling treatment covered by my insurance?
This is a Physical Therapy treatment and is NOT acupuncture therefore your coverage of Dry Needling should correspond with your Physical Therapy benefits. You can discuss this further with our administrative staff if you require more information.
Not all medical or physical therapy professionals are trained to perform the Integrative Dry Needling treatment technique. The physical therapists at Action Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation, Inc. have advanced training and have been certified through Dr. Ma's Integrative Dry Needling Institute.
Is the procedure painful?
The fine filament needle is very thin, solid, and flexible, which allows for the needle to be pushed through the skin versus cutting the skin. This helps reduce any discomfort that may occur with the procedure. We strive to make the treatment virtually painless however at times a local twitch response of the muscle may be felt. When the needle is inserted into the pathological tissue the local twitch response sensation is normal and is felt only momentarily. Many patients describe this twitch response as a little electric shock, cramp or an ache sensation. These sensations are perfectly normal and even a desirable response. Your PT will make every effort to make your experience comfortable and therapeutic.
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