De Quervain's (dih-kwer-VAINS) tendinitis is a condition that causes pain and tenderness at the thumb side of the wrist, at the base of the thumb and forearm. Pain is worsened with grasping or extending the thumb (pulling it back like "thumbing a ride"). People of all ages can develop this condition, which usually happens when the tendons are strained by prolonged or repetitive use of the hand, rapid or forceful hand use, or use of the hand or arm in an awkward position. Tendons at the wrist become irritated and thickened, resulting in pain when moving the thumb and grasping objects. Common forms of treatment for De Quervain’s include splinting and range-of-motion exercises. Injection for cortisone by a doctor is common treatment. Persistent cases may require surgery.
What is De Quervain’s Tendinitis?
De Quervain's tendinitis is a common condition involving tendons of the wrist. Tendons are tough cords or bands of connective tissue that attach muscles to a bone. The thumb and wrist extensor tendons (Abductor Pollicus Longus and Extensor Pollicus Brevis) are encased in a "sheath" or a tunnel at the wrist, which keeps the tendons in place. De Quervain's tendinitis can occur gradually or suddenly, when the tendons become inflamed or thickened from overload or repetitive use, and have difficulty sliding through the extensor tunnel.
Risk factors for developing De Quervain's tendinitis include:
Chronic overuse of the hand.
Excessive use of the thumb from texting and gaming.
Being female (women are 8 to 10 times more likely to develop this condition than men).
Using the hand or arm in a position that feels awkward.
Participation in sports that stress the hand and wrist, such as golf and tennis.
Age greater than 40 years.
Race; members of the black community may be more likely to experience this problem.
How Does It Feel?
A person who has De Quervain's tendinitis may:
Feel localized tenderness, pain, and, swelling at the wrist near where the thumb is attached to the forearm.
Have difficulty pinching or grasping with the thumb or hand.
Feel pain when moving the wrist from side to side or twisting it.
Experience limited motion and feeling of weakness in the thumb.
Have difficulty flexing the thumb.
Notice a "catching" or "snapping" sensation with movement of the thumb (a less common symptom).
Active use of the hand with activities, such as writing, opening jars, lifting a child, hammering, sports, and any workplace or home activity that involves pinching or grasping with the thumb, can provoke the symptoms of pain, stiffness, and weakness.
Note: Other conditions of the wrist and hand can cause symptoms similar to those stated here. Your physical therapist will help to identify any underlying problems of your joints, tissues, or nerves that may be causing similar symptoms.
How Is It Diagnosed?
Your physical therapist will ask you how and when you first experienced symptoms, and what it feels like at the present time. Your therapist will perform a physical exam that will include feeling for tender spots, measuring the flexibility and range of motion of the thumb and wrist, and testing the strength of the thumb muscles and grip. Your physical therapist will also perform a Finkelstein test, which gently stretches the tendons on the thumb side of the wrist through the extensor tunnel. Pain during this test is common with De Quervain’s tendinitis.
Your physical therapist will also perform other tests to rule out any underlying conditions that may mimic De Quervain's symptoms.
How Can a Physical Therapist Help?
If your physical therapist confirms De Quervain’s Tendinitis from an evaluation, they will work with you to develop an individualized plan with you for this condition.
Your physical therapist will review and evaluate how you use your hand and wrist for functional activity. The review will include your daily activities, work, and sports activities. The physical therapist will try to help you identify what activities or positions that you use that may contribute to the problem. They will instruct you how to make changes in your function to help healing and reduce risk of the problem in the future.
Specific instructions may include avoiding repetitive thumb and/or wrist movements, avoid flexing the thumb, and avoid moving the hand toward the pinkie finger as much as possible. You should also avoid forceful hand movements, and any movements or activities that increase pain.
The therapist may provide a wrist splint to position your wrist and thumb for rest, and to provide compression to help pain and swelling.
Your therapist may also work with you to reduce pain and inflammation.
Ultrasound therapy may be applied to improve pain. This treatment uses ultrasonic sound waves applied over the involved area to improve circulation, reduce swelling, and aide healing of the tissues and tendons.
Iontophoresis is another option to reduce swelling and pain. Iontophoresis is a type of electrical stimulation that is used to administer medication to the problem area through your skin.
Ice or heat may be recommended for short term pain relief. Your therapist will advise you for what is best for your condition.
Exercise is prescribed to improve range of motion and prevent stiffness. Early on, exercise is restricted to avoid aggravating the condition. As the condition improves, exercises will be progressed to improve strength for functional activity, as well as improve active range of motion of the thumb and wrist.
If your symptoms do not respond to conservative care, your physical therapist will refer you to a physician who will determine if you need medication, injection, or surgical care for further recovery.
How Can a Physical Therapist Help Before & After Surgery?
If your De Quervain's problem does require surgery, your physical therapist may fit a splint to your hand and wrist after the procedure. Your physical therapist will help you to control any swelling, maintain and improve your hand and wrist flexibility, build your strength, and improve your range of motion, allowing you to safely return to your preinjury activity levels.
Can This Injury or Condition Be Prevented?
It may be possible to prevent De Quervain's tendinitis. Some risk factors cannot be controlled, such as gender, race, or age; however, physical therapists recommend that you:
Avoid chronic overuse of the hand.
Avoid or restrict overly forceful use of the wrist.
Avoid excessive use of the thumbs for texting and gaming.
Avoid putting the wrist and hand in awkward positions while using the hand or arm.
Train and condition in sports, such as golf and tennis to minimize wrist and thumb strain.
Your physical therapist can teach you correct and safe hand and wrist positions to maintain during your daily home, work, and sport activities.
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